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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Tierney

The First Week

Just a little late...

The flights to Cork were uneventful, as expected. The fun started at passport control, where I was detained and interrogated about my stay in Ireland. Neither Green Horizons nor I realized that I would encounter trouble due to the fact that I'm not a citizen. Eventually I got through with the message that I would have to apply for a visa and pay €300 to stay in Ireland, but I'll elaborate on that later.

The group I came here with were very kind and caring as I sat sobbing on the bus to Brookfield Village. I don't handle stress very well but they made sure I was okay. I really appreciated that & I hope to let them know how much I care for them too.

Brookfield Village is a cute little gated area of student housing just outside UCC and not far from Cork City Center. We each have our own room with a desk, wardrobe, sink, and bed and all seven rooms share two bathrooms and a kitchen. Our group is all in the same block, block J, but we're split into two apartments. My apartment, number 3, houses four of us and the other three are in number 4, sharing that with two Spaniards and two Frenchmen. Next week, number 3 will become home to two more students, we think French, and hopefully we'll get along.

The first night everybody went out to an old-timey diner, and I opted to stay home. I hear they had tons of fun and that the food was delicious. On the walk home they discovered UCC by night; one of the University's buildings is covered in ivy and lit up at night. It was quite the sight.

Come Monday morning we all got up bright and early to walk to school. Everybody else attends classes at Cork English College from 9 to 1:20 every day while I explore the city, clean the house, do laundry, or make dinner. The college offers activities to students and on Monday morning I signed up for a few of them.

Monday evening we met with Margaret and got some more information as to when and where our job interviews would be, what to expect, and how to prepare ourselves. Margaret was absolutely lovely and really helped a lot of us get ready for what was yet to come. I admit that we got a little lost on our way into the office, but it sorted itself out eventually.

I had decided to make lasagne for everybody on Monday and they all loved it. I really enjoy cooking for a crowd and we got to know each other a little better. They were impressed with my wine pairing and they absolutely loved the lasagne.

From left to right: Line Sophie, Geri, Ivar, Ole Melvin, Kajsa. Photograph by Franziska. I'm hiding behind Lene :P

My interview was scheduled for Tuesday at noon. Kajsa, one of our group members, and I met up and went to the Green Horizons office to meet Irene and walk to our interviews. Kajsa's interview was substantially more relaxed than mine. I will be working at the Imperial Hotel, and I was not prepared for how fancy it would be when I walked in. Irene and I met with Jerome, the boss of the kitchen, and discussed when I would be working and what sort of tasks I'll be doing. I was so nervous at the time that I barely remember anything he said now.

On Wednesday night I went out with Geri, another group member, to a pub called The Linen Weaver to meet some of his classmates. They were all super lovely and the pub was so cozy and so, so cheap compared to Norway.

On the walk home we stopped and sat for a while at UCC. It was really beautiful with the lights and the ivy, and we sat and talked for a while. We didn't end up getting back to Brookfield until past 11, when we discovered that they're quite strict about the ID card rule at the gate. This seems like a very safe place to stay.

Thursday I went out and bought a new uniform for work. I can't wait to start yet and I know I'll learn so much while I'm there. Not much else happened on Thursday, which was nice. It's good to take a break now and then.

One of the activities we signed up for was a trip to Fota Wildlife Park on Friday after school. It was so beautiful and there were so many fun animals to see. We even got face to face with lemurs and sat outside next to a peacock! I thoroughly enjoyed myself there and it was so worth the money.

The lemur was not impressed with our shenanigans

Friday night was so much fun. Ole Melvin, Lene, Ivar, Geri, and myself decided to go out for a pint and we had planned to be back home before 10. Of course, that didn't work out. We had a fun night and didn't get home until around midnight.

The weekend was quiet and relaxing, and nothing exciting happened. We watched the new Lion King movie & found a quaint little food market. We're going back there this Saturday.

Thus ended my first week here, eventful and exciting, and I hope every week is as much fun.

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